Sunday, May 15, 2011

School is cool

Hey guys!, I'm sorry that I'm not posting travel pico anymore, because It always had an obstruction, maybe other time I'll post the pico travel, and now, because I'm not posting pico travel, now I gonna post.... Pico SCHOOL!, School is a cool place for us to learn, study, in pico, here is my story in the school of the pico world :

This morning I woke up, taking shower, and wear my school uniform ( in pico world )
Feeding my pet, and then having a breakfast, I'm always prepared to go to the school, my books is already prepared too!, because I don't want ME to be late, if we late we have to be the last person to go home ( xP actually I don't really know ) so I lock my room, put the key in my bag, walk to the school bus, take a seat, and wait, when we arrived to school, It's not late yet, so I want to play, there's always a boy playing soccer, I always chat with him!, and he always forgot to work on his HW ( home work ) sometimes I forgotten too! hehehe...!
We chat and we chat, then I look at my watch, I see that it's almost time for school bell to ring! ( it means the class it's starting ) so I walk to the corridor fast as I can!, my locker is far from the front door, that's why I tried to walk as fast as i can to the corridor, I also walk to my locker fast too :D I want to be the most disciplined student, that's why I always prepared and ALWAYS wanted to not late!
I open up my locker, put my hat, put my bag, take the book lesson for the first lesson, and then I go to the class, the first lesson is to learn about language, english, japanese, etc! and It makes me sleepy, because we don't need to do a worksheet, but I tried to keep listen because I want to be the most disciplined student, but to be honest, this teacher is boring! makes me wanna sleep in the class! he talk, talk, and talk, doesn't give a worksheet :<
"such a boring lesson!" I say :> but then the student that sit behind me said "be quiet!" hmmmm...... okay then. then the first lesson is over, next lesson is sport, I go to the  sports field (?) or what can it called, I don't know just continue okay? cause I'm not really good at english =.=" anyway! the lesson of the sport is relay, make a team and start the lesson!
but first we have to run one round

the sports lesson is over, then I go to the music class, we have to play one song on the piano I played "when the saints go marching in" cause it's easy for me ^_^ 
until all of the lessons is over, I go home early cause I'm exhausted, I go home by train too

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